Safety Measures for GH Replacement in Adults

Publié le par Health Online Blog


Numbers of therapies are available to treat patients that have low T levels. Not all treatments are legal to use. Some treatments are allowed to remove GH deficiency in patients. These treatments are still under investigation for long term safety purposes. Testosterone therapy or GH replacement therapy are generally used to treat patients. Many safety measures are necessary to take for GH replacement because it can have side effects if patient has some other disease also and is under treatment for GH replacement.

Safety aspects of GH replacement in adults:

For safety purposes

It is suggested to review glucose metabolism in all patients before and during GH replacement.

Monitor thyroid function in patients. 

GH treatment can also cause SCTH insufficiency.

Monitoring hydration and body weight measurement is also necessary.

It is necessary to monitor cardiovascular function with great care.

It is not recommended to measure lipoprotein in hypo pituitary patients.

A baseline scan is also recommended in patients before GH replacement therapy.

For treating diabetic patients, it is necessary to follow proper guidelines because they can get many problems. Eye examination is also necessary before treating them.

Symptoms related to fluid retention should also encountered in the early phase of GH replacement.

GH can cause reduction in serum cortical concentrations due to decreasing circulating Cortical-binding globulin.

An increased occurrence of malignancies has been reported in hypo pituitary adults. Therefore, early detection in the general population should be implemented in the GH treated hypo pituitary adult.


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